Active Baby is an active lifestyle destination for baby outdoor gear, children's furniture, nursery essentials and locally made goods with an environmental focus.
Natural fibre clothing - Fair Trade and Eco-friendly sizes for real people XS to 4X.
Get dressed was established in 2002 as a specialty women's boutique clothing store delivering a West Coast ''casual but current'' style. Since then, our reputation has spread well beyond the North Shore as a destination shop providing fabulous clothes and exceptional service.
Little Pink Door is a women's clothing boutique located in Northwoods Village on Dollarton Hwy in North Vancouver. We will carry a mix of stylish, unique and fun clothing, accessories and jewelry
We are a VIP service dedicated to providing innovative branded merchandise.
Quality embroidery, imprintable clothing, and other promotional products.
Printed courtesy of – Contact the North Vancouver Chamber for more information.
102-124 West 1st Street, North Vancouver, BC V7M 3N3 – (604) 987-4488 –