Not For Profit/Community Organization
Client Care & Donation Hours:
Tuesday-Friday, 10am-4pm and Saturday, 10am-2pm
About Us
''EXTENDING A HAND UP, NOT A HAND OUT” Harvest Project is a registered charity that serves the North Shore: reaching out to people challenged by family trauma, illness, job loss, and those facing the threat of poverty. Harvest Project provides coaching + counsel, the North Shore Rent Bank, grocery, nutrition + clothing supports, and Clothes For Change social-enterprise thrift shop. We impact the whole community by serving those finding themselves on the margins and helping restore each one to a healthier life.
Our annual budget is over $2 Million and we are 100% funded by households, businesses, foundations, and community groups. Government funding provides less than 10% of support. This past year, more than 600 people volunteered across the organization. Our vision is for a healthy, diverse, and connected North Shore community.