Tuesdays to Sundays.
Driving Directions:
At the corner of Ridgewood Dr and Edgemont Blvd
About Us
At the corner of Ridgewood Dr. and Edgemont Blvd, Highlands United Church is in its 75th year. The church is busy all week with choirs, day care, high school, sandwich makers, English learners, Scouts, Tennis, Tai Chi and more.
On Sundays about 200 folks choose to attend worship which is filled with music, children, prayer and connection. The church recently became an Affirming congregation, and stands by its vision which says, in part: Highlands United Church works every day to be a community-focused church, an inclusive church, a welcoming space, a safe place for all. A place that fosters opportunities not just to live and grow, but to thrive!
Highlands United Church is keen to participate in community events and looks for ways to build relationships with its neighbours. The office is open Tuesdays to Fridays, there is almost always someone here to chat with or answer a question so come visit! Or better yet, pop in on a Sunday morning!


