Business Support Services / Coaching / Consulting
About Us
I facilitate care in the workplace. I know how it is.
Our feelings are often challenging, awkward and bothersome. It’s much easier to bury them or squish them down into the pits of our tummies. Believe me, I’ve lived this tale.
So what does any of this have to do with Leadership Development?
It’s the difference between having an open conversation with a troubled team member, or avoiding them all together. It’s what drives sound decision making rather than the frantic kind. It’s the fuel needed to give your boss some constructive feedback. It’s the creation of a trusted safe space for people to do their best work. And it is the difference between an employee feeling valued, or cast aside.
Leaders & Teams need a safe space to develop and grow together.
Individuals who take a deeper look at their emotional being are able to uncover their blind-spots, attend to their fears and become the best version of themselves.
There are five areas of Emotional Intelligence that make up the back-bone to all of my development programs: Self-Perception, Self-Expression, Interpersonal, Decision Making and Stress Management.