Launch Wellness Collective Inc

Health PractitionersHealth & Wellness

About Us

What's holding your health back?

Are you stuck in a cycle of pain or fatigue from old injuries, poor posture or inactivity? Are the relief strategies starting to lose their effect and have you thinking they could just be causing you further damage in the future? If you’re frustrated that no one seems to be able to help, then you are not alone. We work with many clients who have tried a few different approaches before us.

So What's The Real Problem?

Here’s what we’ve noticed… it’s less about the pain you are in, and more about not being able to do the things you need, want and love to do. Lost in a sea of advice and information, you just don’t know where to start. If this sounds like you, then we’d love to see
if our approach is right for you.

Our Free Health Consultation is a Conversation Not a Commitment.


Welcome to our new office in North Vancouver
Dr Brad
Consultation Room
Our Space

Rep/Contact Info

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Brad Johns